Doing the will of Jesus Christ and building his house on the rock. Synodality and the succession of Peter
Attention, respect and appreciation of those women and men who "achieve" the extraordinary (1) for a new, innovative, unprecedented future of the Roman Catholic Church instead of laziness, ignorance of dissidents, blockade and grueling self-constantly-in-the- Turning in circles with the same problems, that would be the trend. Appreciation of the laity and appreciation of the spiritual men (clerics and monks) and women (nuns) in the Roman Catholic Church - both.
Clear words, where words flow in abundance from the mouths of the ignorant. It doesn't take much for the mouth to open and something to come out that is inaccurate, false, malicious, or narrow-minded.
A synod or several synods are not panaceas. Evangelical Lutheran Christians know this very well. The texts of evangelical synods have by no means more religious or theological weight than the texts of clerics.
In the Roman Catholic Church it is important to do what is good for the faith. It is not the speech that matters, neither the exposed speech nor the dialogical speech. "Whoever hears my word and does it, I compare him to a wise man who built his house on a rock" (Matthew 7:24), Jesus Christ said and to Peter he said: "You are Peter, wanting on this rock I build my church” (Matthew 16:18).(2) It would often be better if there were less discussion in the church and more doing the will of God and just working for Him.
Very few ideas are truly ingenious. Problems such as the abuse of children and young people has really everyone in this world as an absolute no-go since 2010, since Pope Benedict XVI. started dealing with the violent and sexually motivated abuse of children and young people in the Roman Catholic Church.
Don't talk about it, but actively prevent abuse. Don't talk around. Recognize needs and face them. Help if you can. Be sensitive to believers who think differently. Don't be stubborn and stubborn. Doesn't exclude anyone. Perceive yourself in the community of believers.
This is what Pope Francis means when he calls for a two-year synodal process.(3) Pope Francis had to react to the incessant bitching and nagging. Breaking free from the encrustation of one's own obduracy can be brought about by synodal effects. Seeing yourself as part of an all-encompassing communion can develop as a sense of a synodal process.
Personally, I still think it's unnecessary. So much time is spent talking and the expected and always the same problem presentations.
In my opinion, it is questionable whether this is exactly the time to embark on a worldwide "Synodal Path". Above all, Pope Francis proposes a change in speaking and reception behavior as a waymarker for the "synodal path". In my opinion, his suggestions are in the direction of individual spiritual recreation and renewal. This inner new evangelization is an individual spiritual process. A group of over a hundred participants tends to be counterproductive.
Another argument strongly suggests that now is not the right time for a worldwide "Synodal Way". Synods are assemblies where issues are discussed. You can be accompanied spiritually. Nevertheless, the end result remains that at least two “camps” usually emerge. Complete unity and unity has never been the result of a synod.
Should there be a pope in the Roman Catholic Church in the not too distant future, their first and most honorable task will be to initiate the ordination of women priests by opening seminaries to prospective priestesses or new seminaries begin their work and by ordaining suitable female theologians as bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. Such reform processes in the Roman Catholic Church require intensive attention by laypeople worldwide. It would therefore only have been objectively logical to convene a "synodal path" only when the resolutions for the implementation of the innovations for the ordination of women to priests in the Roman Catholic Church are to be carried out.
At this point, Pope Benedict XVI. and I already had different opinions at the time of his pontificate. Pope Benedict XVI saw a synod as the appropriate form of discussion before admitting women to the ordination of priestesses. I think that a pope could first convene a council after her election and then the results could be implemented through synods.
The global "synodal process" suggested by Pope Francis on September 7, 2021 could have a counterproductive effect, especially with regard to the creation of free spaces that are unencumbered by disputes and divergences. The "Synodal Path" encourages you to find your own positioning. If a reform project such as the ordination of women priests in the Roman Catholic Church were actually launched by a pope, opinions on this would already be deadlocked in the aftermath of the worldwide "Synodal Way". The participants of the worldwide "Synodal Path" could then see their commitment as a waste of time and regret the financial expenditure for the organization of the worldwide "Synodal Path", which will be significant. Because it is not to be expected that a lay discussion forum knows the theologically and legally correct measures that are necessary for the introduction of the ordination of women to priestesses.
It would be factually more correct if the pope or popess considering the introduction of the ordination of women priests were to convene a council. The resolutions of this council could then be received in synodal forums.
In place of lay delegates, all Roman Catholics should set out on the path to a new, gender-equitable and ecumenical future. To live as a Christian – that is what matters for each and every individual. Believe even more confidently. Surrender to the belief. Always interpret your life in the light of faith. You should use your time for this instead of criticizing the church. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you should criticize the church for years.
It is so exciting to surrender to the will of God, which applies to a person personally. I would not trade a single synodal debate for it. As the prophet Elijah experienced, God comes in the whispering of the wind (1 Kings 19:12f).
I wish the two-year synodal journey suggested by Pope Francis on September 7, 2021 that it will have a therapeutic and healing effect on the already
long-time malcontents in the Roman Catholic Church find them to the center of the faith.
Elke Göß
(1) The verb "to perform" is to be understood in the Christian context in the sense of the topoi law and gospel.
(2) Matthew 7:24 speaks of a wise man. Jesus Christ would certainly address his speeches today to both men and women.
(3) Cf. Documento Preparatorio della XVI Assemblea Generale Ordinaria del Sinodo del Vescovi, 11 September 2021, Documento Preparatorio della XVI Assemblea Generale Ordinaria del Sinodo dei Vescovi (, 11 September 2021; cf. For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality, September 11, 2021, For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality (, September 11, 2021
Regensburg, September 11, 2021
updated September 12, 2021
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