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Pope Francis And The Ten Commandments. A New Ecumenism To Be Developed And The Shared Celebration Of Shavuot



1. The Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not steal

2. The Fifth Commandment: You shall not kill

3. The Sixth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery

4. The Eighth Commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

5. The Fourth Commandment: You shall honor your father and mother

6. The sacramental character of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, the ecumenism of the Christian churches and the recognition of the ecumenical connection with Judaism

7. Shavuot





How important are laws? How important is compliance with the law? This question does not only concern the state. It also affects the Christian churches and Judaism.

In Judaism and the Christian churches there are Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21), which summarize the framework for all Christian and Jewish laws. Is it a joy to have received these commandments from God? Should you feel bound to them? Should you, do you have to, stick to the Ten Commandments?


1. The Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal


In the general audience with Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square on Wednesday, June 5, 2024(1), a Vatican employee read the Bible passage that formed the basis for Pope Francis' interpretation. It is found in the Gospel of John in the 3rd chapter in verses 6-8 (2).

Pope Francis read a catechesis that lasted seven and a half minutes(3). Six and a half minutes of this catechesis corresponded in thought and sometimes literally to a sermon(4) that I held as a priest in the Upper Franconian market town of Stammbach. Only at the last minute does Pope Francis turn to his favorite topic, the exploitation of the poor, after quoting the Apostle Paul and passages from the Deuteropaulines that list a so-called catalog of vices. Pope Francis bases his favorite topic on the work of another clergywoman. He occupies another person's work, steals it and alienates it for his own purposes. Because I am a woman, such behavior also has a patriarchal component. Pope Francis has my thoughts, which I expressed in my sermon during my time as a pastor used, usurped and plagiarized.

I was a pastor from July 1, 1994 to December 31, 1999 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria in the market town of Stammbach in the deanery of Münchberg. I don't remember when I preached the sermon on John chapter 3 verses 6-8. All of my documents, along with the entire contents of my apartment, were confiscated from me on September 11, 2013 by the Ansbach bailiff Martina Aumüller, former Geret, even though I didn't owe a cent of rent. Martina Geret, as she was called at the time, had only recently been released from a psychiatric clinic at the end of August 2013. She had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Nevertheless, she was then allowed to work again for the Ansbach district court under the direction of director Dr. Gudrun Lehnberger. The information that bailiff Martina Geret had just been released from the psychiatric hospital came from a police officer from the Ansbach police who was present in my apartment during the eviction on September 11, 2013. I had written and saved all of my sermons in the vicariate and during my time as a pastor on the computer. How the sermon came to Pope Francis is inexplicable to me.

It is not the first time that Pope Francis has taken almost verbatim from my sermons as vicar at St. Luke's Church in Munich and as a pastor quoted in Stammbach in Upper Franconia. Sometimes entire passages are taken over verbatim, sometimes the theological train of thought is identical 1:1.

It is known that Pope Francis has at least some of his speeches written by a ghostwriter. On July 1, 2023, he appointed his ghostwriter from his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires as Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. (5) He introduced his ghostwriter during his pontificate to the public during the Corona pandemic by presenting him at the Angelus from his official room.(6) The Angelus was broadcast live by Vatican Media. So I cannot accurately say that Pope Francis knows that he incorporates long passages of my sermons into his addresses at mass, into his Angelus addresses, and into his catechesis at general audiences. He may have hired one of his ghostwriters to write his speeches.

Whoever included almost my entire sermon in Pope Francis' catechesis, which he delivered during the General Audience on June 5, 2024, stole my ideas. It wasn't the first time. The parallels are extremely clear. I believe this is a deliberate move.

I have campaigned for respect for intellectual property for many years. Before the press scandal broke out in January 2011 because of the incorrectly quoted passages in the doctoral thesis of the former German Federal Minister of Defense Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, in June 2009 I took part in a colloquium at the University of Bayreuth at the Faculty of Law, in which I was allowed to take part, and there I pointed out several sources of error in Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg's doctoral thesis. Two years later, on June 23, 2011, I published an article about it on my newly founded website “Liberal and Innovative” (“Lib & In”).(7)

I had previously read the doctoral thesis of the later Federal Minister of Education Annette Schavan in 1992 as part of a colloquium at the Theological Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and I met the now deceased Professor Dr. Trutz Rendtorff drew attention to the deficiencies. I asked several times whether Annette Schavan still has her doctorate. It was finally revoked on March 19, 2014.(8) Annette Schavan was Federal Minister of Education from 2005 to 2013. After her doctorate was revoked, she resigned from the Bundestag in 2014. She then served as German Ambassador to the Holy See for four years from July 2014 to June 2018.(9)

After the plagiarism in their doctoral theses was discovered, Federal Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg resigned in March 2011 and Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan, the Chancellor's long-time friend, resigned in May 2014 from Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet.

My discoveries were the beginning of a worldwide ban on plagiarism in all educational institutions. This educational work has now reached Japan. In 2022, it was revealed that Prince Hisahito, the son of Crown Prince Akishino, who won a literary competition was rightly accused of copying passages from an essay.(10)   

The fact that Pope Francis copies my sermons or has them copied or allows plagiarism is a fact. Legally I can't do anything about it.

Doesn't the seventh commandment say: “You shall not steal”? (11) Do the commandments also apply to Pope Francis?


2. The Fifth Commandment: You shall not kill


In December 2013, I wrote for the first time on my website “Lib & In” about how Pope Francis took a knife from the breakfast table on June 21, 2013, three months after his election as pope, hid it in his cassock and a little later he went directly to a 23-year-old Swiss guardsman in the Swiss Guard barracks and stabbed him in the heart. The young Swiss collapsed and died at the spot where he was attacked by Pope Francis.

The act fulfills some characteristics that are relevant to criminal law. The crime was planned. Pope Francis took the knife from breakfast some time earlier that same day. The act was treacherous. There is said to have been no argument or confrontation between Pope Francis and the young Swiss guardsman beforehand. Pope Francis' motives are still unknown today. The Swiss guardsman had to feel safe. Pope Francis was his chief employer. The crime was carried out with a weapon. A knife is considered a weapon. Three characteristics that are classically used to make an offense punishable as murder are present in this case. Nothing happened. It was inconceivable to me that no cardinal, no president and no head of government would be willing and able to have this act legally qualified. But that's how it is. While in office, a pope enjoys full immunity. Apparently a pope can do anything while in office, including committing murder. Pope Francis is said to have been the first pope since the French Revolution (1789 to 1799) to personally commit murder.


3. The Sixth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery


Nuns promise “celibate chastity” when they make their profession. All nuns make this promise, regardless of which order they belong to. Nuns from various orders see themselves as “brides of Christ”. “Celibate chastity” means that a nun does not want to have sexual intercourse with a man or a woman and that she does not intend to marry.

Already in the first year of Pope Francis' pontificate, there were rumors in Rome that he had had sexual intercourse with a nun who was over 50 years junger. The nun was pregnant by Pope Francis. In the years that followed, a rumor spread almost every year that another nun, mostly from Asia, was pregnant from Pope Francis. Several of these nuns were said to have previously been virgins. Pope Francis is said to have told them that he wanted them to become mothers.

Once again, Pope Francis is the supreme employer. Again the “victims” are young and unsuspecting because they have to assume that their top employer will not break their promise to God. Again Pope Francis gives the “victims” no chance to escape. He even includes the Vatican gendarmerie as a security service in his personal, intimate wishes. This must be very intimidating for the young nuns. He doesn't ask the young nuns what they want. He even specifically and actively disregards the will they expressed at their professions to live celibate and without sexual intercourse.

According to my objections, which I have often published on my account "Lib & In" at X, former Twitter, the question remains whether Pope Francis respects the will of young women with regard to their bodies, their physical integrity and their religious promise to God. Only the young nuns themselves could answer these questions. It is estimated that Pope Francis, who was 78 years old when he took office, has already fathered at least eight children with nuns during his eleven-year pontificate. It is not known how many children he fathered as Archbishop of Buenos Aires with church employees and thus those subordinate to him in their work.

A nun who impregnated Pope Francis was allowed to have a very late abortion based on her own free will. However, abortion is rejected by some church movements and described as “murder” of a fetus. The “March for Life” takes place annually in various cities in Germany. (13) The director of communications for the Catholic broadcaster k-tv Claudia Kaminski (14) has been committed to this issue for years. She has not yet spoken out against abortions in the name of Pope Francis. The consent to have an abortion came very late for the nun who impregnated Pope Francis and she saw her entire life destroyed as a result. The pregnancy was well advanced and under other circumstances an abortion would no longer have been legally permitted in Italy at that point. This nun was at risk of committing suicide because Pope Francis impregnated her and because he did not include her in the decision to become a mother. She is said to have now returned to her home country and left the spiritual order.

Again, I could not imagine that no cardinal, no president and no head of government would be able or willing to put an end to this activity. Furthermore, it is completely clear that the Vatican gendarmerie must have been involved in bringing the nuns to Pope Francis on the exact days when they were fertile in their female cycle. No one has access to the Pope who is not controlled by the Vatican Gendarmerie. Although Pope Francis reportedly made statements at the beginning of his pontificate in 2013 that he wanted to push back the influence of the Vatican gendarmerie, this security protection for him continued uninterrupted and unchanged throughout his pontificate. The Vatican gendarmerie must have been involved in bringing the young nuns to Pope Francis. All of the nuns, who were between 20 and 30 years old, are said to have become pregnant during their first sexual intercourse with Pope Francis. Pope Francis has broken their promise of “celibate chastity”. He broke the nuns' covenant with God and used the security service of the Vatican Gendarmerie to do so.

Six Vatican gendarmes, members of the Pope's personal protection and security service, added to me during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. On Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., ten physical injuries were committed in the rooms of the Vatican Gendarmerie. Two of these physical injuries were classified as rape by the Regensburg public prosecutor's office in September 2017. However, there has been no court case so far. In June 2017 I had to undergo a knee operation. According to doctors' estimates, I still need two operations as a result of the physical injuries.

There is no reaction from Pope Francis. He did not advocate for a trial against the six Vatican gendarmes to get underway in Rome or Regensburg. It is estimated that I have suffered financial damage amounting to 60,000 euros since 2008. Until now I had to finance all costs from my private assets. If two more operations are added, the damage amounts to over 100,000 euros.

These assaults are not the only ones committed against women by members of the Vatican Gendarmerie. What fears must the young nuns, who were between 20 and 30 years old when they had sexual intercourse with Pope Francis, have endured when they realized that Pope Francis wanted to have sexual intercourse with them and when they knew that the Vatican gendarmerie was guarding him day and night ? Which nun has the courage to say no in such a situation?

Pope Francis belongs to the Jesuit order. He himself promised “celibate chastity” when he made his profession. At his ordination he vowed celibacy. With their ordination, all priests commit themselves to the promise of celibacy. In the last two years, there have been initial signs that bishops are being asked to have sexual intercourse during official meetings and are being asked whether they are in a relationship with a woman. What is striking is that some German bishops are now being seen with women who can be assumed to be their partners. Such a relationship is publicly known between Munich Archbishop Reinhard Cardinal Marx and a former administrative employee of the Free State of Bavaria, whom he appointed as his deputy as head of office on January 1, 2019. (15)

At this point, Pope Francis breaks with laws that have been in effect for centuries and encourages the creeping of lawlessness or disobedience to the law in order to weaken and break the law so that he does not provoke resistance by officially changing the law. Pope Francis often uses breaking taboos to suggest that he is introducing reforms. What better means of breaking laws than sexuality? Out of the most intimate impulses and through the most intimate actions, a resistance against the laws of chastity and celibacy is formed by asking priests to have sexual intercourse in official discussions. Breaking the traditional religious laws of the Roman Catholic Church begins with sexual intercourse. Law breaking will spread from there. God forgives everything, everything, Pope Francis says again and again. In secular jurisdiction and the police, failure to stop at a red light is considered a sign that a person is willing and capable of criminal activity. The same applies to breaking the laws of the Roman Catholic Church when you fail to keep your most intimate promises to God.

There has long been a need for action regarding a contemporary, adequate formulation of the position of the Roman Catholic Church on all issues that concern human sexuality. But who today would expect an 87-year-old Argentine to officially reform the Roman Catholic Church's position on all issues of sexuality?


4. The Eighth Commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor


The eighth commandment (Exodus 20 verse 16) is a comprehensive prohibition against lying to other people, betraying a person, lying to a person, slandering a person or damaging a person's reputation. You should make everything work for the best and speak well of another person. This commandment is indeed very challenging.

It doesn't seem to apply to Pope Francis. After the rumor was launched in the international press on March 21, 2023, the former private secretary of Pope Benedict XVI. Archbishop Georg Gänswein could become nuncio in Costa Rica(16), a person close to Pope Francis probably retaliated on April 15, 2024 with the rumor that Archbishop Georg Gänswein could become nuncio in the Baltic States. This rumor was first reported by the Argentine newspaper “La Nacion”. (17) The conclusion that the rumor could come from the environment of Pope Francis or from Pope Francis himself is not far-fetched.

On May 28, 2024, the Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera” revealed that Pope Francis said at an unofficial meeting with Italian bishops that there was too much “faggotry” (Italian: frociaggine) in seminaries.(18) The horror in the press was big. Years earlier, at one of the press conferences on the plane on an apostolic trip, Pope Francis had asked who he was to condemn people. From the context one had to conclude that Pope Francis was referring to homosexuals. He didn't say this specifically. Shortly after the verbally vulgar faux pas on May 28, 2024, the press was informed that the 87-year-old Pope apologized for his choice of words. On June 11, 2024, Pope Francis stated; “In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine.”(19) It is not the first time that Pope Francis has addressed the issue of homosexuality in the Vatican. A few years ago he spoke with an odium of mysterious and menacing disgust about homosexual “cliques” in the Vatican. He couldn't have been serious about his apology, which was less than two weeks ago. Or did it not be Pope Francis who apologized for his choice of words, but one of his employees instead?

If Pope Francis had spoken of “gay” or “omosessuale”, his choice of words would not have been perceived as discriminatory by society. What is offensive is not the fact that Pope Francis has drawn attention to homosexuals in the Roman Catholic Church, but rather the fact that he has used a notoriously vulgar term to refer to homosexual sex.

It was already known over 30 years ago that a derogatory choice of words has a discriminatory effect against homosexuals. As vicar at St. Luke's Church in Munich, I had a discussion group for homosexuals and heterosexuals in 1992/1993. The topic appealed to many people. To this day, people know me because I led this discussion group. It was the first initiative in Germany with the aim of ensuring that homosexuals should not be disadvantaged in the Protestant churches. The aim of my discussion group was to do preliminary work for the discussion about homosexuality in the state synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. This was now 32 years ago. Even back then, it was self-evident that no discriminatory expressions should be used about homosexuals because they were hurtful. The current Pope still uses vulgar, discriminatory and derogatory language for gay men, calling the practice of their sexual intercourse “faggotry” (Italian: frociaggine). This choice of words does not correspond to the eighth commandment.

5. The Fourth Commandment: You shall honor your father and mother


In recent years, journalists have repeatedly noticed that Pope Francis is able to tell two different, contradictory versions of his own biography. At the beginning of his pontificate he is said to have claimed that he had a good relationship with his mother. A few years earlier, while still in Buenos Aires, he is said to have said as archbishop that his relationship with his mother was difficult and strained.

Who was Pope Francis' father when he was still called Jorge Mario Bergoglio? What was the relationship between the future pope and his father? Almost nothing is known about it.

His grandmother often appears in Pope Francis' speeches, whom he stylizes as a role model for all of Christianity. If you do the math, the grandmother of the Argentinean, who was born in 1936, was probably born before 1890. Pope Francis often describes her as a role model. Can a woman who was born 135 years ago today be the benchmark for children and young people in 2024? At the first "World Children's Day", which Pope Francis called and on which he organized a big show for and with children in the Olympic Stadium in Rome on May 25, 2024, (20) he once again presented his grandmother and all grandmothers as role models.

Times have changed significantly. Values ​​have been modified and adapted to the zeitgeist. Religious education today also differs significantly from the educational methods and educational goals over 80 years ago, when Pope Francis was born. One cannot ignore the fact that religiosity in a South American country over 80 years ago differs from religiosity on other continents over 80 years ago. Grandmothers are no longer seen as educational and religious specialists and often they don't want to be. Pope Francis is proud of the very good relationship with his grandmother. Many children and young people today grow up at a spatial and value-oriented distance from their grandmothers. The relationship with grandparents is not always ideal. Honoring father and mother, grandfather and grandmother today requires empathy for the changing times and must be based on a high level of understanding. Reflecting on this verbally in speeches is more appropriate than assuming that parents and grandparents act as role models.

The topic of sexual abuse of children and young people could not be missing from the first World Children's Day. Pope Francis and those who had prepared World Children's Day had Italian sports officials appear before Pope Francis. They promised Pope Francis in front of cameras, broadcast live on the Internet by Vatican Media, that they would work against the sexual abuse of children and young people.(21)

Pope Francis himself took no position on the sexual abuse of children and young people in the Roman Catholic Church in front of the 50,000 children who came to the Olympic Stadium in Rome for World Children's Day. Pope Francis included an indication of what his new directive looks like in dealing with sexual abuse of children and young people in the Roman Catholic Church in his address. He said God forgives everything, everything. He then demanded from 50,000 children and their parents to repeat out loud several times: “God forgives everything.”

The fact that Pope Francis is making a U-turn at this point is shown by the high numbers of people leaving the church in Germany, which are often justified by the inadequate investigation of sexual abuse of children by young people. They are a symptom that church members have noticed that enlightenment on this topic is not making progress, is stalling or is missing. The sometimes very high compensation payments do not benefit all injured parties equally. It's not just when it comes to solving sexual abuse that there's a huge problem. The recognition of the victims and the compensation payments also sometimes appear very arbitrary. They may just be aimed at favorable press coverage of the issue.


6. The sacramental character of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, the ecumenism of the Christian churches and the recognition of the ecumenical connection with Judaism


The Ten Commandments are considered binding in all Christian denominations. In the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ addresses his relationship to the law (Matthew chapter 5 verses 17-20): “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets! I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle of the law will pass away until everything is done. Whoever abolishes even one of the smallest commandments and teaches people accordingly will be least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever keeps them and teaches them to keep them will be great in the kingdom of heaven. Therefore I say to you, unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” This Bible passage is proposed in the Roman Catholic Church as a reading during a mass on June 12, 2024.

Jesus Christ himself binds himself to the law and declares his claim to want to fulfill the law. He warns anyone who diminishes, shortens and disregards the law that he will be “the least” in the kingdom of heaven. The one who keeps the law will be great in heaven.

There is no disagreement between the various Christian churches regarding the Ten Commandments. They are valid. The idea that the Ten Commandments could unite the Christian churches and Judaism has received little attention.

If one refers to Martin Luther's teaching on the sacraments, a sacrament includes a visible sign and a visible action that make the invisible reality of God present and that allow believers to participate in this reality of God. (22) The Ten Commandments were given to the people of Israel given at Mount Sinai when God appeared to Moses. Moses received two tablets with the Ten Commandments. Through this gift of the commandments, God made a covenant with the Israelites, who in turn promised to keep the covenant (Exodus chapter 20, Deuteronomy chapter 5). The two tablets that were last kept in the Jerusalem Temple are missing. They probably no longer exist. But the written Ten Commandments as the basis of God's covenant with Jews and Christians still exist today. God's covenant with Jews and Christians corresponds to the invisible reality of God. Actually, the Ten Commandments should have a sacramental character in the Christian churches if one takes Martin Luther's teaching on the sacraments as the basis for reintroducing this idea into the ecumenical tradition. Such a newly developed ecumenism would be firmly based on the tradition of recommending compliance with the Ten Commandments because they correspond to God's will in essence. Jesus Christ himself took a position on this matter.


7. Shavuot


In 2024, Jews will celebrate the festival of Shavuot from sunset on June 11, 2024 to sunset on June 13, 2024. Jews celebrate that God gave them the Torah and that they accepted the gift. The Torah is the sign that God has bound himself to the Israelites and they have bound themselves to God. The festival goes back to two verses in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 12-13. (23) In a tradition that goes back over three thousand years, Shawout is celebrated 50 days after Passover.

In an ecumenism to be developed in the future, it would be possible for Jews and Christians in all countries of the world to celebrate the festival of Shavuot together. This idea does not include the currently emerging ecumenical principle of “reconciled diversity”. The ecumenism to be developed in the future aims at the unity of all Christian and Jewish believers in harmony, love and mutual recognition. The joint celebration of the festival of Shavuot, which goes back to verses 12-13 of the 4th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy, could be an element of a new ecumenism that includes all Christian churches and Judaism equally and that asks about the similarities and not about the differences.




The Ten Commandments are the first religious regulations that people wrote down. There are similar parallels in many cultures.(24) The Ten Commandments are a gift from God that Christians can and should gladly accept. The Ten Commandments clearly define the relationship between God and people and between people and God. Keeping the Ten Commandments is possible.

At the age of 14, I wondered whether it might be possible to keep all of the Ten Commandments. Just twenty years later, I was sure that I would be able to do this for the rest of my life. To this day I feel bound to adhere to the Ten Commandments. My covenant with God stands. The covenant is based on the Ten Commandments. You can practice compliance and then you will succeed. You then don't have to strain God's forgiveness and ask him not to dissolve the covenant because you as a human being have acted unlawfully. The Ten Commandments make it easier for people to live together by preventing physical and psychological harm to people.

Without the Ten Commandments, people would be lawless. The law binds, but it also liberates. This applies to religious laws as well as state laws. The state depends on people complying with its laws and living by them. There are many parallels between the secular law (murder,theft) and the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments (“You shall not kill.” “You shall not steal.”) Many crimes would not be committed if a person would adhere to the Ten Commandments.

Forgiveness is not automatic for some crimes. You have to go to court first. One has to go through a trial to get the verdict for one's good or bad deeds. If you forgive yourself, you negate the covenant that binds a person through the law or the Ten Commandments. Observance of the Ten Commandments is beneficial. It protects the one who keeps the commandments from harm and it protects those around him from harm. Commandments protect, help and heal. Commandments bind free will and liberate it at the same time. I am always happy to be connected to God in this sense.


Elke Göß


Regensburg, Shawout 5784, June 12, 2024

(1) See Papa Francesco. Udienza Generale. Piazza San Pietro. Mercoledi, 5 June 2024, Ciclo di Catechesi. Lo Spirito e la Sposa. The Spirit of the Holy Spirit guides the people of God in opposition to Jesus nostra speranza. 2. “Il vento soffia dove vuole”. Dove c'è lo Spirito di Dio c'è libertà, Udienza Generale del 5 giugno 2024 - Ciclo di Catechesi. Lo Spirito e la Sposa. The Spirit of the Holy Spirit guides the people of God in opposition to Jesus nostra speranza. 2. “Il vento soffia dove vuole”. Dove c’è lo Spirito di Dio c’è libertà | Francesco (vatican.va), June 11, 2024

(2) In the video from the general audience, this passage can be found from minute 10:36 to 11:09.

See General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis, General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis (youtube.com), June 11, 2024

(3) In the video from the general audience, this passage can be found from minute 17:42 to 25:15.

See General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis, General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis (youtube.com), June 11, 2024

(4) In the video from the general audience, this passage can be found from minute 17:42 to 24:14.

See General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis, General Audience June 5, 2024 Pope Francis (youtube.com), June 11, 2024

(5) Cf. Erzbischof Fernández: Vom ‚Ghostwriter‘ von Papst Franziskus zum obersten Glaubenshüter, Erzbischof Fernández: Vom 'Ghostwriter' von Papst Franziskus zum obersten Glaubenshüter (catholicnewsagency.com), June 11,2024

(6) Cf. Irgendwann wurde es entdeckt: Der Ghostwriter von Papst Franziskus ist Pater Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo…, Irgendwann wurde es entdeckt. Der Ghostwriter von Papst Franziskus ist Pater Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, der vor einem Jahr einen hielt “Lectio” für die er die unangemessenen Sprüche wütend machte “Traditionalisten”, fordert die Abschaffung des Motu Proprio von Benedikt XVI “Der alte Ritus der Messe” – EDIZIONI L'ISOLA DI PATMOS, June 11,2024

(7) Cf. Göß Elke (2011): Grimme Online Award 2011 an GuttenPlaWiki – Fehler in zu Guttenbergs Doktorarbeit bereits im Sommer 2009 entdeckt, 23. Juni 2011, Lib & In Archiv chronologische Übersicht 1 - Lib & In (libandin.com), June 11, 2024 

(8) Cf. Plagiatsaffäre vor Gericht. Schavan scheitert im Kampf um Doktortitel, Annette Schavan: Doktortitel vor Gericht verloren - DER SPIEGEL, June 11, 2024

(9) Cf. Annette Schavan, Annette Schavan – Wikipedia, June 11, 2024

(10) Cf. Prinz Hisahito hat bei Wettbewerb geschummelt, Prinz Hisahito hat bei Wettbewerb geschummelt (adelswelt.de), June 11, 2024

(11) Exodus 20 verse 15

(12) Cf. x.com/libandin, June 11, 2024

(13) Cf. Marsch für das Leben, Marsch für das Leben – Bundesverband Lebensrecht (bundesverband-lebensrecht.de), June 11, 2024

(14) Cf. Claudia Kaminski, Claudia Kaminski – Wikipedia, June 11, 2024

(15) Cf. „Amtschefin“ beginnt gemeinsam mit neuem Generalvikar. Juristin Stephanie Herrmann leitet künftig das Münchner Ordinariat, Juristin Stephanie Herrmann leitet künftig das Münchner Ordinariat - katholisch.de, June 11, 2024

(16) Cf. Neue Aufgabe für den Ex-Sekretär von Papst Benedikt XVI. Bericht: Erzbischof Gänswein soll Nuntius in Costa Rica werden, Bericht: Erzbischof Gänswein soll Nuntius in Costa Rica werden - katholisch.de, June 11, 2024

(17) Cf. Endet Gänsweins Exil? Bericht über Botschafterposten im Baltikum, Endet Gänsweins Exil? Bericht über Botschafterposten im Baltikum | BR24, June 11, 2024

(18) Cf. Vecchi Gian Guido (2024): Papa Francesco: “C’è gia troppo frociaggine”. Il no ai seminaristi gay nell’assemblea con i vescovi italiani, Papa Francesco: «C'è già troppa frociaggine». Il no ai seminaristi gay nell'assemblea con i vescovi italiani | Corriere.it, June 11, 2024

(19) Cf. Papa Francesco ancora sugli omosessuali: “In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine”. E sui gay in seminario: “Meglio di no”. Papa Francesco ancora sugli omosessuali: «In Vaticano c'è aria di frociaggine». E sui gay in seminario: «Meglio di no» (ilmessaggero.it), June 111, 2024

(20) Cf. Über 50.000 Kinder trafen Papst Franziskus am Weltkindertag im Olympiastadion in Rom am 25. Mai 2024, Über 50.000 Kinder trafen Papst Franziskus am Weltkindertag im Olympiastadion in Rom am 25. Mai 2024 (youtube.com), June 11, 2024

(21) Cf. Über 50.000 Kinder trafen Papst Franziskus am Weltkindertag im Olympiastadion in Rom am 25. Mai 2024, Über 50.000 Kinder trafen Papst Franziskus am Weltkindertag im Olympiastadion in Rom am 25. Mai 2024 (youtube.com), June 11, 2024

(22) Cf. Sakrament, Sakrament – Wikipedia, June 11, 2024

(23) Cf. Schawuot – Gott sprach zu Israel, Schawuot – Gott sprach zu Israel - Fokus Jerusalem (fokus-jerusalem.tv), June 111, 2024

(24) Cf. Göß Elke (1996): Ein Weltethos für alle Religionen? In: Göß Elke (2017): Unrettbar religiös? Grenzmarkierungen in der Religion, Liberale Gesellschaftsanalyse, Band 5, ebook, 9. Mai 2017, S. 186-200, Elke Göß (elkegoess.com), June 11, 2024



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