„Pro Popess“ is born
Hello, here I am. I am the first non-fictional document about a Popess which was ever written in the world. May I introduce you to my writer Elke Göß.
Pro Popess is a contribution to the history of ideas of the papacy. This website is aimed primarily at cardinals worldwide. Then Pro Popess would like to address everyone. Pro Popess would like to bring suggestions so that there will be a Popess in the future.
You will be able to read on Pro Popess articles which challenges a Popess will face, which tasks she could fulfil in particular, which difficulties exist and will arise until there is the first Popess in the history of mankind, which special Popes are already in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, under which conditions a Popess is ecumenically compatible and acceptable and much more.
Pro Popess wants to open the way that there will be a Popess in the future. Pro Popess wants to show the limits that even a future Popess will not change. Pro Popess has only one goal: to stimulate discussions around the world so that people think about it and open up to the idea that one day a woman will be the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
All of Pro Popess’ goals may be inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. May people of goodwill support, discuss and celebrate the fact that one day the idea that a woman can be a Popess will be established.
A few days ago I wrote to Pope Francis and announced the appearance of Pro Popess. Before I started the first computer click, I knew I would have his agreement.
Pope Francis is sceptical if the historical figure of Popess Joan existed in the 9th century. The woman, who was born in Germania, hided herself as a man and is said to have been elected Pope as a monk. Pope Benedict XVI did not consider Popess Joan as a legend. It could be that Popess Joan was the first woman on the papal throne. But no one recognized her as a woman. It was only when she gave birth to a child and died in the process that her gender identity became known. A woman who identifies herself as a woman has never been elected to the papal throne by the cardinals. Pro Popess wants to show that the election of a woman in the conclave can become a reality.
Protestants find it difficult to recognize the Pope. The Pope appears as the greatest barrier in ecumenism. It doesn’t have to be like that.
Three aspects are very important when it comes to whether Protestants could accept a Popess today.
1. I, Elke Göß, am not Martin Luther. Why should I or why should another woman have the same disputes that the former Wittenberg monk had with the Roman Catholic Church? It is clear that the spiritual staff of the Protestant churches today have to agree to the confessions of the Protestant churches. This corresponds to the ordination vow. But Martin Luther’s excommunication, which the Roman Catholic Church has not deleted and will not change to this day, only refers to the person of Martin Luther. Lutherans worldwide are not affected by Martin Luther’s excommunication in toto.
2. The popes of the Middle Ages are not the popes of the beginning of the 21st century. The problems in the Roman Catholic Church in the sixteenth century are in no way the same as the problems we face today.
3. Neither Martin Luther, nor any other reformer of his time, or a reformer at any other time, has ever said or written anything about a Popess. This is the only and best main argument for the fact that there are no ecumenical barriers in relation to a Popess as there have been so far in relation to the Popes. It is therefore not sanctionable under canon law in the Protestant churches to develop a story of ideas about a future Popess.
To write about Pro Popess is an extraordinary privilege. Pro Popess is an exclusive and sophisticated topic.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church is certainly wide awake when it comes to the issue that there could be a Popess in the future. Luis Cardinal Ladaria, the current Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, will now have a new desk and a staff member organized to deal with this issue. I have thus indirectly opened a new department in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in my absence. I don’t intend to give the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith any work. I suspect, however, that other women would not necessarily be able to avoid going to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on this exclusive and sophisticated topic. Please remember that I have been related since 1992 with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger alias Pope Benedict XVI, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and that I have already experienced a lot.
Two times in the recent past, shortly after two extraordinarily wonderful events, I was accused to have committed two extremely strange crimes. In 2019 I was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I suspected it and the police in Regensburg knew about it. On the day the Nobel Peace Prize was announced, I was said to have beaten a postal worker in the face in a post office on the other end of town that I had never been to before, so that she got an earache. The act is said to have been less than two hours before the announcement of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. If it had been true, this would be the first person in my life I would have beaten.
On November 20, 2020, I was able to celebrate my tenth anniversary as Cardinale in pectore with the photo session "Io sono rosso. 10 Jahre Rückblick" on my website www.eucharistia.info. In the week after, I was said to have poisoned a black puppy with Whiskas, which meant that the dog owner, a highly problematic and previously convicted neighbor, was in danger of death. This is what a policewoman in Regensburg claimed to me. Whiskas is cat food. I haven't touched cat food since 21 years. No dog dies from cat food. Remarkably the puppy was alive and well. Even if a dog would die on cat food, there would be no mortal danger to the dog owner, unless he would eat the cat food himself. Three neighborhood witnesses claim they saw me attempting to kill the puppy.
Both criminal charges against me are before the court. I’m celebrating one of the biggest anniversaries of my life and next week am I poisoning a puppy with cat food? The stories sound incredible and have some detailed errors in their fictional versions. That is not my fault.
In order to avoid a similar effect when I publish the first non-fictional document about a Popess on the internet, I informed the local police in Regensburg beforehand. Pro Popess appears under police protection.
Pro Popess is an extraordinary and sophisticated topic. It is especially addressed to cardinals worldwide. Therefore it is written in English. Anyone can participate and read the articles. You can reach me at info@popess.info.
The articles will appear at irregular intervals. You can find an editorial on the first page of Pro Popess. You can see when the last article was published and what the topic is. I will work out the topics in the course of time. Everything is fresh and new when it appears. Pro Popess will be developed in the next years and will run for years.
Be patient, be excited, be astonished, be flashed. Pro Popess will change the future of the world. Pro Popess will be exclusive and sophisticated.
Thank you for your interest.
Elke Göß
June 23, 2021
The initiator of Pro Popess is Elke Göß.
It is time for a woman to be elected Popess.
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update: December 25, 2024
Installation: June 14, 2021
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